Tuesday, November 26, 2013

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbulling.. Making people feel like harassed, or stalked.
Unfortunately, some people on social media think that they have rights to make fun of the others in a bad way- by bulling. There are some examples in NYTimes' post "In September, a federal appeals court in Nevada, for instance, sided with school officials who suspended a high school sophomore for threatening, through messages on Myspace, to shoot classmates. In 2011, an Indiana court ruled that school officials had violated the Constitution when they disciplined students for posting pictures on Facebook of themselves at a slumber party, posing with rainbow-colored lollipops shaped like phalluses." Controlling these kind of things is very difficult but I agree with the writer about keeping balance for rights of students' free speeches against the dangers of cyberbulling. "Educators find themselves needing to balance students’  rights of free speeches against the dangers children can get into at school and sometimes with the law because of what they say in posts on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr"


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Legal and Ethical Issues

 Should information be free? At the first sight, yes it should be. Every people should be able to reach open-access information easily and for free like journal articles, tv, news, movies, music, and so on. Especially in today's world, it is really difficult to hide or keep private something as long as we have the Internet. However, I belive that there should be a privacy for some informations which is related with government or even the people who created something for public with their ability or their skill. For example, when you download a movie or music for free, it is actually betrayal of labor to the owner/ creator of this art. In New York Times they say "On the other were governments and corporations that argued that some information must be kept private for security or commercial reasons." I totally agree with that. People should respect copyright.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Privacy and Security

 Internet is incredibly complex. There is always a way to reach someone's information via Internet and privacy becomes more uncontrollable when you integrated your all social networks with each other. Danah Boyd and Alice Marwick say that  in their articles "Many of our fears and concern regarding safety stem from the ways in which the Internet uncovers many things that we were previously hidden".It may not be true for all people but I agree with that it works like that for many people, called 'fear of privacy'. People can not control their privacy since the Internet is getting more and more evolved day by day.
 Facebook is very popular all over the world. More than most people have an account on Facebook even if they do not use regularly. And when you post a photo on Facebook, your privacy settings may not be enough to hide it from people who are not friend with you on Facebook. Even the sister of Facebook's founder got that problem as they said in the Atlantic Wire "don't expect to hide something if you do — everything can be shared and re-shared these days".

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

90th Anniversary of Republic of Turkey


Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

 Can robots do what humans can? In my opinion, robots can do many things even we cannot imagine but they cannot do all what humans can. Because I believe that there is nothing more interesting and more complex than human brain in the world. As they mentioned in the article "Shut Your Eyes and Drive", robots will be peoople's main squeeze and they will be a huge part of human's lives. For instance , a car without driver would make most people's lives easier and more reasonable to save their times."The Company claims it has driven some 480,000 kilometers under computer control in a wide of variety of traffic conditions, all without an accident". Also they taked about the safety of driverless cars in the article "Driverless Cars Get Calfornia License". "According to the statistics, each year about 1.2 million people died of traffic accidents worldwide, most of which are often caused by driver fatigue and the inability to concentrate. The driverless car can effectively avoid the driver-caused accident due to fatigue and other abnormal behaviours". As I said it before, these kind of robotic cars will get people's lives easier and valuable.
  Who is more likely to make errors - robots or humans? To compare which one is more likely to make mistakes is not that easy since it depends on different criterias. Robots are machines which mean they run based on a mechanical system and they are not affacted by the same factors as humans, like emotions. So it seems they are more reliable,can give more certain results.On the other hand, if even a little something is wrong with these machines, that can be cause huge problems such as missing a code line of a program which is related with the budget of a company. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Creativity and Social Media

Here is my "SixFlags instavideo". I really enjoyed there and strongly recommend you to go and have fun. Apart from being a bit expensive, It is the best amusement park ever!-It worths- Especially roller coasters are awesome. Check it out!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Social Media

1. How many social networking sites are you on?  If you'd like, list them.  Which do you prefer? Why?

You can find me on
  • twitter: ncansuduman
  • facebook: Neslihan Cansu Duman
  • instagram: cansuduman
  • foursquare: Cansu Duman 
  • google+: ncansu.duman@gmail.com
  • skype: n.cansuduman
  • and blogger: dumancansu.blogspot.com
 I prefer to use these Social Networking Sites which I listed above since I like their different features. To give some examples, I use twitter because I can learn the latest news from there and it is easy to use and to get information by hastags. Also, I use instagram becuse I like sharing photos that I took every beautiful or funny things,and so on.

2. What are virtual worlds?  How can they be used? What would you like to be in your virtual world?

 Virsual World is one of the awesome way how companies/people can save their money. As they mentioned in the article "Going to the Virsual Office in the Second Life" virsual world-like skype-doesn't require to spend so much money to make a conference or meeting. " As travel budgets are squeezed and slashed in the recession, companies are increasingly seeking innovative ways of bringing employees together for conferences and meetings remotely"

Monday, September 30, 2013

World Wide Web

 The technology of the World Wide Web is evolving continuously and unpredictable. To estimate what the future of WWW looks like is not so clear and certain. However, I can say that since the technology evolves every second the only certain thing is that It will get people's lives easier and easier.
 What is 'the Cloud'? The storage and the power of computing for all the Web sites and services are provided by the Cloud Services. This means people can save something- for example in their dropboxes- and share it whenever they want. As they mentioned in the article The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy "For most cloud computing applicatons, the entire user interface resides inside a single window."
 The project Cyberbetic Friend looks like so crazy and sophisticated. When we search for the thing that we do not know exactly on google, our Friend can help us to achieve the best result."Google can combine the personalized recommendations of a friend( who often know us betten than we know ourselves) with the sum of all of human knowledge,creating a super sort of best friend.
This friend of yours, this cybernetic friend,that knows that you that have scertain questions about certain health issues or business strategies. And it can be then be canvassing all the information that comes out in the world every minute and then bring thing to your attention without you asking about them " I think this is what we nees as a user.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Piece of Introduction :)

 I'll let you to know me a little in this post.. I was born in Istanbul which is the city of dreams... I can not imagine living anywhere else except Istanbul. The city affects you with its rich history, fascinating nature-especially with the Bosphorus-, and hospitable people. Since I like taking photographs, It is an amazing place to live that I can find many things to take photos :) What else other than taking photographs? I have never cooked anything before coming to Chicago. I am trying to cook something new for me. Actually, I am not bad at cooking, I have had many successful meals here :)
 What about my education? After graduating from highschool,I attended to Kadir Has University in Istanbul.This is my 3rd year in Computer Science major. I love my department but I really don't know which branch I will deal with in the future: programming, networking, marketing.. Since I could not decide any of them, I've chosen to improve my English first, which is a requirement for me. Then, I am now here,in Chicago, the Windy City.
 To be honest for the question "How do you feel a course can effectively integrate blogs?", It is one of the best way to attend a course via blogs. This way encourages all the students since we live in a technology era. Nowadays, everyone express their feelings, declare their thoughts via social media. They read and learn somethings from internet easily. As long as a course integrate with blogs, learning and sharing somethings can become more fun and effecient instead of being in a classroom without doing anything while someone is speaking. I think, It makes students happier.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hello Everyone,

My name is Cansu DUMAN. This is my first post from Chicago. I am taking many photos of this city. Maybe I can post some of them later.

Görüşmek üzere... :)