The technology of the World Wide Web is evolving continuously and unpredictable. To estimate what the future of WWW looks like is not so clear and certain. However, I can say that since the technology evolves every second the only certain thing is that It will get people's lives easier and easier.
What is 'the Cloud'? The storage and the power of computing for all the Web sites and services are provided by the Cloud Services. This means people can save something- for example in their dropboxes- and share it whenever they want. As they mentioned in the article The Windy City Teams with Microsoft on Cloud Strategy "For most cloud computing applicatons, the entire user interface resides inside a single window."
The project Cyberbetic Friend looks like so crazy and sophisticated. When we search for the thing that we do not know exactly on google, our Friend can help us to achieve the best result."Google can combine the personalized recommendations of a friend( who often know us betten than we know ourselves) with the sum of all of human knowledge,creating a super sort of best friend.
This friend of yours, this cybernetic friend,that knows that you that have scertain questions about certain health issues or business strategies. And it can be then be canvassing all the information that comes out in the world every minute and then bring thing to your attention without you asking about them " I think this is what we nees as a user.
I believe the internet will most likely create less jobs for a lot of people in the future. There is nothing that we can't find or do on the internet. It will be amazing to see what changes or advancements come about. We already apply for jobs online we go to school online all of our daily activities are online so it will be interesting to see what happens in the future.